Ride 25, Leg 11

Tbilisi to Baku

What Was I Thinking?

Being a person who loves an adventure, is a keen cyclist, turning 50 and then hearing about Ride25 www.ride25.com it really was a no brainer for me to sign up. The strong appeal for me for this particular challenge, outside of the obvious physical is the amazing charity supported by Ride25 over the last 10+ years.

www.1morechild.org carries out amazing and incredible work supporting children in Uganda to reach their potential and overcoming the many barriers they may face.

After Rob confirmed my spot in November 2023 and knowing I now had to train for just under 400 miles, over 4 days and some serious hill climbs, it was all systems go to get myself ready for what I can only describe as the challenge and adventure of my life so far.

My Training Challenges

  1. Winter months training
  2. Sustain motivation
  3. Finding hills in a predominantly flat county.
  4. Preparing for the event

Winter Months Training

Not a fan of being indoors, I had to kit myself out for training outside in the colder months, both mentally and physically with lots of thermal clothing, covers and waterproofs. I also booked an event in early March to give me a shorter term goal and purpose to help keep me on track and motivated. I was lucky that this year the winter season was not too awful and I do not think a week went by where I was unable to get out and attack the elements. All in all my training plan was successful and the March (wet, cold, miserable) event was completed with the summer months now to look forward to.

Fun winter rides, sun actually shining. And with the infamous Kenny who did not quite make the journey.

Sustaining Motivation

Luckily, I am good at keeping motivated especially when doing something I love and for a great cause. I also enlisted myself a training partner (also due to come on the trip) which helped with longer rides and momentum. My network of friends was also their cheering me on and keeping me focused.

Thank you Rob for the organised training/fun rides with other Ride 25 riders giving opportunity to meet others, share challenges, tips and ideas.

Summer training rides and a 100 mile (training) event

Finding Hills

The most difficult challenge of all, especially knowing we had 8000ft+ climbs in one day on at least 2 of the day’s rides!!!!!

I managed to fit in only a couple of rides where it could be considered hilly, compared with what was ahead. This was the one area that was the most daunting, leaving me feeling underprepared. I was pleased to see I was not alone as it was often shared on the Ride 25 group chat.

Preparing for Arrival at the Event

This sounds easy enough but it was actually quite incredible how much planning was needed just to be able to arrive in Tbilisi with everything ready to go for a 4 day cycle. The check list felt endless and daunting, luckily, tips and guidance was well communicated via Ride 25 admin and WhatsApp group where individuals shared tips, potential pitfalls and how to overcome known challenges. I cannot express how helpful this was for me as a newbie, also having a cycling partner who is well travelled and great at this sort of logistical organising helped immensely.

Arriving for the Event

Once I had successfully arrived at the first hotel with luggage, bike box and all other cycling paraphernalia (with a little help from Ride25 friends I made at the airport) it soon became apparent what a great bunch of people I would be spending the next 6 days with. Immediately I was made to feel at ease and very much part of this Ride25 family. With 24 hours before kick off, organisers arranged a bike set up area, meeting others and an information evening about the next 4 days (we also fitted in some pool time, beers and pizza). Very impressive how slick this process was. Not once did I feel unsure or that I would be alone on this journey.

1st – Short Lived (don’t be fooled) relaxation

2nd – Some of the Ride25 Amazing Support Crew

The 4 Day Ride

I can honestly say the 4 days were totally incredible with the most amazing group of people both with the riders and support crew.

Being in a foreign country, as a female on my own (my training partner was unable to attend) and only having met a few other riders briefly prior to this event, I could not have felt safer and more looked after by such a lovely group of people. That said there were multiple challenges along the way

  • A very unpleasant uphill gravel road of a numerous miles (day 1)
  • Transporting by hand our bikes, boxes and luggage across the border (day 2)
  • A border crossing with 20 people detained due to visa issues that took many hours to overcome (and still 50 miles to go!)
  • Long and relentless hill climbs in 37 degree heat (day 3)
  • Police escorts delaying departures
  • Storms and torrential rain putting a stop to day 4 (although not such a challenge for the riders, who were provided with a party bus and beers to the next hotel organised by the support team).

I have no doubt these challenges could only have been overcome so effectively and smoothly by this group of well practiced and experienced Ride25 riders and support team. It was both impressive and a privilege to experience first hand such a team effort and camaraderie.

I rode with many different fellow riders, at various stages of the rides. All very supportive, with their own stories to tell, challenges to overcome and in some cases very good music to listen to. What’s not to love when you are climbing a 10 mile, relentless hill in 37 degree heat after already 90 miles of cycling!

Celebration Night and Amazing Fundraising Efforts

The whole experience was definitely celebrated in style with amazing food, drink, company and celebrations of individual achievements.

The auction and other fundraising efforts were impressive to see where I believe a total of over £160,000 was raised from this trip alone with all proceeds going to www.1morechild.org, the most amazing charity who’s vision it to see vulnerable children in Jinja, Uganda empowered and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Post Ride Shopping Opportunities

Fab Keepsakes

And Finally…

Ride25 for me has been the ultimate challenge, incredible experience and opportunity to see first hand the amazing and selfless work that people are willing to do for others. I feel privileged to now be considered as part of this group and looking forward to next years trip (Leg 14) in India, where I have no doubt it will bring it’s own challenges, successes and friendships. Thank you to all at Ride25 for allowing me to be a part of this amazing journey and to my friends for putting up with my crazy cycling obsession.

A final thankyou to my long suffering friends