Children’s Home
1moreChild currently rents eleven houses in Jinja; seven boys’ homes and four homes for girls. These homes accommodate the children that don’t have families, and act as a ‘youth centre’ for those who live in the slum village of Masese. The children who still live with their families come to the house every day and it has become a place that they all call ‘home’.

Football is an important part of 1moreChild and is our game of choice after our weekly ‘family lunch’. We have six training sessions a week for our boys and girls. They learn new skills, practice different exercises and prepare for upcoming matches. We have number of teams from under 9s to under 16s, that play twice a month against local schools, football clubs and village teams.

We believe that children require the basic needs mentioned here in order to function well at school and that education is imperative for success in today’s world. However, in our opinion, mentoring is the key to being able to face the hardship, corruption and challenges in Ugandan life today. Our staff members spend hours each week investing into the lives of the children.

Home Visits
One of our core values is a commitment to keep children in their original families wherever possible. As a result, we undertake regular home visits to assess family situations and needs and to provide meals, mattresses and mosquito nets to a number of children in their own homes.

Medical Care
At 1moreChild, we care for all physical aspects of the children at our homes. We treat various conditions that arise, as well as doing regular medical checks, malaria testing and treatment and dental checks and treatment, ensuring our children stay healthy.

Due to the success of other sports programmes; Bosco was inspired by the Ride25 Pioneers and our own exploits on the bike, he formed a cycling club at the beginning of 2018. Having virtually no resources, other than some old second-hand bikes and used Ride25 jerseys – he selected a small handful of cyclists to start going on rides.